OGRe.net           Earth Links on the Internet

Geology-related links for Elementary School Teachers, by grade level curricula topics
Grade 1: CuriousCanuck.com  Grade 1 Science: Earth and Space     -A look at the seasons ( ***)

Miami Museum of Science: Make a weather station  - weather ( tools and how to measure) good class project ideas (****)

Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers: Seasons Clipart - clip art for posters

CriticalThinking.Org: Weather Changes with the Seasons  -lesson plan for teachers

Pocantico Hills School Weather Page  -good for age group (different cloud types etc.) (***)


Grade 2: Science made simple: How do animals spend the winter?  -(***)

Animals in winter: Hibernation - animal behaviour in the winter (***)

Astronomy and Earth Science: Clouds  -Clouds, how they form (good for teachers for background info.) (**)

Did you know? Water - interesting facts about water-lesson plan for water cycle (***)

NASA's For Kids Only - Earh Science Enterprise   how nasa studies water and air (***)

Thinkquest: Meteorology Online - meteorology- the sun, weather solar power, temp... (v. informative) (***)

The Water Cycle    -The water cycle (good animated diagram) (***)

ProTeacher: Water lesson plans for elementary school teachers -good links for teachers

Ready for Winter -how plants and animals survive the winter in Canada (**)

The Water Cycle  water cycle, nicely explained (****)


Grade 3: Bringing ponds into the classroom -experiment on soil permeability (**)

U.S. Geological Survey: Erosion of Jump-off Joe   pictures to show a visual impact of erosion over a long period (**) (good to integrate into the class room)

NASA Soil Science Education Home Page Very good teacher resource- provides most of the required info (****)

University of Arizona Erosion Lab erosion experiments. (ill. With the presence of vegetation)(**)

Minnesota Assoc. of Prof. Soil Scientists: Introduction to Soils good for understanding soil components, a bit advanced for grade 3, but good background info for teacher (**2)

University of Illinois Great Plant Escape: Components of Soil   -easy to read, good info (***2)

Grade 4: Rogers Group Cool Activities with Rocks - fun activities for the class about different rock types (***2) 

ThinkQuest: This Planet Really Rocks - fun site, jokes etc about rocks and minerals (**)

Discover How Rocks are Formed -explains ig, sed, and meta rocks. V.G. for teachers and students (****)

Rocks for Kids  -info on rocks and minerals (formation, identification, collection...) (****)

Soil Resources in Agricultural Areas -erosion and its effects (***)

BBC Education: Rock Cycle Experiments -fun experiments on the rock cycle (***)

University of North Dakota Volcano World: Rocks  -slide show on rocks (rock cycle, types and formation), nice to browse through. (***)


Grade 5: Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command: Atmospheric Moisture  Atmospheric pressure and water cycle (wordy, good for teach.) (***)

Wild Weather -Several basics on weather (***) 

Beakman and Jax NetScooter: What is Thunder?       how thunder forms - good explanation

Beakman and Jax NetScooter: Acid Rain     - how acid rain forms, global warming (****)

ThinkQuest: Weather Gone Wild - Great for describing weather disasters (****)

ThinkQuest: Bay Kids' Weather Page  weather (**)


Grade 6:

StarChild: Learning Center for Young Astronomers -the solar system, good for children (***)   

The Nine Planets  -detailed, good pictures of each planet

National Geographic Virtual Solar System -descriptions of solar system (****)- good for projects

Gander Academy's Solar System Theme Page  -planet descriptions V.G. resource (****)

Astronomy for Kids: What causes a Solar Eclipse? -explains a solar eclipse

San Francisco Exploratorium: Making a Sun Clock -make a sun dial (fun)

Space Telescope Science Institute: Solar System Game - Trading Card game about the Solar System

Washington State University: Ask Dr. Universe: Star distances - explains the concept of how astronomers measure the distance of stars why the earth turns 

Washington State University: Ask Dr. Universe: Earth's spin  - Why does the earth turn?


Grade 7: Southern Kings School: The Earth's Crust - good background on several topics discussed during the year

Extreme Science: Plate Tectonics - plate tectonics lesson very well explained (***) Good for students and teachers

Natural Resources Canada: Minerals and Metals - a site on Canadian mineral and metal resources   

US National Park Service: Plate Tectonics - examples of convergent / divergent / transform plate boundaries, hot spots and accreted terrains found in the U.S. National Parks.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Plate Tectonics  - good description of plate tectonics

University of North Dakota: Volcano World - all about volcanoes, good examples of volcanoes

PBS Savage Earth: Hell's Crust - nice description of plate tectonics, with Flash animations

EnchantedLearning: Plate Tectonics - nice colourful description of plate tectonics, many pictures


Grade 8: University of Minnesota Bell Museum: The Watershed Game - educational game dealing with city planning etc. (***2)

Science Corner: Water -water cycle- good for teachers, has experiments to demonstrate this 

Fresh Water Ecology and Pollution - water, properties, uses, treatment etc. (good for teachers) (wordy) (****)

Montana State University: The Water Cycle - teacher lesson plan

Geography 4 Kids: The Hydrosphere - water cycle, groundwater, seawater, clouds, freshwater..., good info (***2)

U.S. Geological Survey: Water Science for Schools - earth's water, good info and interesting facts! (***)

U.S. Geological Survey: Plate Tectonics - excellent but wordy descriptions, good relevant pictures and diagrams


Grade 10: Virtual Courseware: Earthquake    -  magnitude and intensity of earthquake (****), virtual location measurements (v.g.)

Mineralogical Society of America: Mineral Identification   -  mineral Id.-great for simple identification


Grade 11&12: ThinkQuest: Earth Works plate tectonics, mineralogy (nice pics) (****)

Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future: The Rock Cycle - the rock cycle (****)

Mineral Identification Key  - steps to help id minerals (useful for teachers and students)

BBC Education: Rock Cycle Experiments  - experiments to demonstrate the rock cycle and other geological concepts

U.S. Geological Survey: Plate Tectonics - same as Grade 8 above

Virtual Courseware: Earthquake  - same as Grade 10 above